The ultra-orthodox community and the environment

The Ultra-Orthodox community and the environment

Moti Kaplan, Yosef Shalhab


The quality of the environment has become a central issue in the planning agenda in Israel and around the world. In this context, there is increasing interest in the attitude of the Jewish sources to questions concerning the quality of the environment. This interest comes from two aspects: the first, from the feeling of continuity and belonging to the Jewish heritage, and the attempt to learn and apply as much as possible from the ancient sources to our ways of life. Second, out of desire to find tracks to the heart of a large and influential population living in Israel the Ultra-Orthodox community.

This study examines this issue from two aspects - a theoretical and empirical aspects. In its theoretical part, the study traces the attitude of the Ultra-Orthodox community to issues of environmental quality in an attempt to learn about the origins of this attitude. In its empirical part, the research examines environmental features in various Ultra-Orthodox areas, mainly in Jerusalem: environmental care, cleanliness, open spaces, and green spaces.