Ronit Sassoon

Ronit Sassoon

Executive Assistant to a CEO in High Tech

Current position in the field of urban planning:

I am in High tech

Degree completed at Technion – Year:

Master of Urban and Regional Planning – 2022

Current job and how your planning degree prepared you for it

I am the Executive Assistant to a CEO in High Tech.  I use many of the planning skills I from my studies in my work.

Motivation for studying urban planning

There were two major influences in my studying urban planning.  The first is I am a native of Washington DC, a planned city and I was raised and educated on this planning. The second one as an immigrant to Israel, the change in the urban environment at age 16 had a big influence on me.

Share any advice with someone thinking about a career in urban planning

Keep your mind open as you never know where the journey will take you and never stop learning.

ronit sassoon