קורסי אביב

Our Courses

Our courses are interdisciplinary by nature and provides students with knowledge from diverse fields, including economics, environment, sociology, psychology, and transportation.

Type of courses:

Note: Filter is relevant for Master's dregrees.



Mon, 1:00-3:00 PM

Spring (Semester B)

3 Credits

Economic Thinking for Planners

Prof. Dani Broitman

Fundamentals of Economics, the Economic Thinking and Its Limitations in Specific Relation to Urban and Regional Planning. the Problem of Scarcity, the Production Curve, Alternative Cost, Relative and Absolute Advantage, Consumer Theory, Producer Theory, Damand and Supply, Monopoly, Government Intervention in the Markets, National Accounting, the Keynesian Model and Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Basic Quantitative Tools for Decision-Making in Planning.





Mon, 1:00-3:00 PM

Spring (Semester B)

3 Credits

Legal and Administrative Aspects

Prof. Nir Mualam

The Principles Behind Planning Law in Israel and Other Countries, the Statutory Planning System as An Aspect of Israeli Public Administration, Institutional Structures, Local Planning Bodies and Local Governments, Types of Plans, Their Content and Their Approval Procedure, Information and Public Participation, Instruments of Implementation: Expropriation, Compensation, Taxation, Reparcellation, Non-Conforming Use, Building Permits, Enforcement and Its Limitations. Analysis of the Legislation and Select Court Decisions.




Mon/Thur 1:00-3:00 PM

Spring (Semester B)

4 Credits

Studio - Neighborhood Planning

Dr. Dalit Shach-Pinsly

The Studio Deals with the Neighborhood Level of Urban Planning. Its Aim Is to Acguaint the Student with Problems Typical of Neighborhood Planning, the Main Sub-Systems at This Level, and the Appropriate Methods and Approaches for Planning. Students Will Be Asked to Do a Planning Project Addressed to Creating a Neighborhood Fit for Its Residents in Terms of Public Services, Residential Needs, Infrastructure, Etc. Special Stress Will Be Placed on the Understanding of the Relationship Between Physical Form and Basic Social Processes.

Prerequisites: Course 207701 - Studio 1 - Urban Planning



Mon/Thur 15:30-18:30 PM

Spring (Semester B)

4 Credits

Studio - Metropolitan Planning

Prof. Karel Martens, Dr. Emil Israel, Idan Porat, Lior Vitkon

Concluding Studio Devoted to Comprehensive Planning of Metropolitan Regions. Emphasis Is Placed on Integrated Planning of Social, Economic, Physical, Natural, and Institutional Systems in the Light of Decentralized Systems for Decision-Making and Implementation.