shay am shalem

Shay Am-Shalem

Social urban planner

Degree completed at Technion – Year:

Master of Urban and Regional Planning – 2016

Current job and how your planning degree prepared you for it

I am the founder of People Planning that becomes one of the leading social planning firms in Israel. People focuses on holistic planning that puts the person in the center, from the private home level to the level of the entire city. One of the company's fields of practice is Community and Cooperative Housing, leaded by Commuit Coliving management company.

Motivation for studying urban planning

My main motivation is to impact people's life. Israel has an abundance of social challenges and urban planning can be an important key for social change.

Share any advice with someone thinking about a career in urban planning

Urban planning has to be a result of social agenda! you are very much invited to contact and hear some more about the urban planning practice.

שי - Shay am-shalem