amir dominitz

Amir Dominitz

State Comptroller's Office, Local Government Audit Division

Degree completed at Technion – Year:

Master of Urban and Regional Planning – 2019

Current job and how your planning degree prepared you for it

Integrating aspects of planning and construction in reviews of local authorities, giving emphasis to spatial analyzes and the study of phenomena in space. 

Motivation for studying urban planning

The city is where humanity happens. Social, economic, political, design and other processes are born in it, change it and take place in it. Taking part in the design of the urban space is a right that few realize. Studying the city and the forces that organize it can help to understand human existence in the pursuit of a better future.

Share any advice with someone thinking about a career in urban planning

Urban planning is a profession in which everyone can find their place, their uniqueness and their contribution to the environment in which they live. 

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