Emmanuel Mitinje

Ph.D student

Emmanuel Mitinje

Ph.D student

Academic background

B.Sc. - Urban and Regional Planning, Ardhi University

M.A - Natural Resource Assessment and Management, Open University of Tanzania


Title: Distribution of Resources through planning parameters and its implication on urban justice

Advisors: Prof. Yosef Jabareen


His research examines how planning parameters that determine resource allocation can affect urban justice, particularly for marginalized and minority communities. Specifically, the distribution of resources in urban areas is a critical factor in understanding social justice outcomes across diverse groups and geographical locations. However, to guide and control spatial development through resource distribution, planning institutions have designed and set various planning parameters with the aim of creating efficient and visually appealing living, working, circulating and recreational spaces. Despite their positive intentions, planning parameters often segregate certain groups or locations according to their socioeconomic status, race, or ethnicity. This often affects minority communities and low-income households who are forced to live in slums or blighted neighborhoods with inefficient urban management and poor spatial, environmental, physical, architectural, and cultural functioning in urban life.

Nonetheless, there is still scant engagement with empirical studies to frame and conceptualize what justice means in the context of resource distribution through planning parameters. He is gearing to become an advocate and agent for change in that regard. His research targets the distributed parameters through state planning and development and their contribution to urban justice. He believes that urban justice concerns should focus on a comprehensive analysis of all planning parameters that shape distinctive urban spatial conditions. Thus, he proposes that planning parameters should be evaluated sporadically and holistically to gain insight into their impact on urban justice. This will prevent the propagation of racism and injustice. To accomplish this goal, his research aims to create assessment tools including a conceptual framework that can help planners and policy makers understand the impact of specific planning parameters, such as density, minimum lot sizes, setbacks, building height, housing type and land use allocation, on the construction of urban justice among different groups.

Career ambitions

I aspire to utilize my planning and design expertise to revitalize underprivileged and minority communities through a career in Urban Design/Planning. My ultimate goal is to reach a managerial position where I can leverage my leadership abilities to make critical decisions and serve professionally, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all the people.
