Nathan Varda

Nathan Varda

General Manager of Propdo Brazil

Current position in the field of urban planning:  General Manager of Propdo Brazil

Degree completed at Technion – Year:  Master of Urban and Regional Planning – 2019

Current job and how your planning degree prepared you for it

As a co-founder of Propdo Brazil, my proficiency in decision support software for the real estate sector is deeply rooted in the expertise I gained from my urban planning degree. This educational foundation has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of urban dynamics, equipping me with the ability to conduct thorough research and execute strategic planning in various critical areas, including geography, law, economics, social considerations, and sustainability. These skills are invaluable in the complex real estate market, allowing me to develop effective tools and approaches that address the industry's diverse challenges, thereby significantly contributing to the advancement and success of the sector.

Share any advice with someone thinking about a career in urban planning

If you're drawn to the fields of planning, real estate, or social and political endeavors, the Urban Planning degree at the Technion is a fantastic choice. The program is a unique blend of top-notch teaching, engaging material, and practical skill development. It's not just about learning theories; it's about applying them to real-world scenarios, understanding historical contexts, and finding modern solutions. What's more, the program equips you with a mix of conceptual and technical tools, something you'd expect from law, business, or economics courses, but with a special twist towards urban planning.


nathan varda