Courses – Preliminary

Our Courses

Our courses are interdisciplinary by nature and provides students with knowledge from diverse fields, including economics, environment, sociology, psychology, and transportation.



Mon, Thur 1:00-3:00 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Economic Thinking for Planners

Prof. Dani Broitman

Fundamentals of Economics, the Economic Thinking and Its Limitations in Specific Relation to Urban and Regional Planning. the Problem of Scarcity, the Production Curve, Alternative Cost, Relative and Absolute Advantage, Consumer Theory, Producer Theory, Damand and Supply, Monopoly, Government Intervention in the Markets, National Accounting, the Keynesian Model and Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Basic Quantitative Tools for Decision-Making in Planning.




Mon, Thur 1:00-3:00 PM

Spring (Semester A)

2 Credits

General and Urban Sociology

Prof. Meirav Aharon

he Goal Is to Acquaint the Student with Basic Concepts of Sociology and Urban Sociology. the Major Subjects Are: the Meaning and Purpose of Sociology, Culture and Society, Values and Social Norms, Stratification and Social Disparities, the Urban Way of Life, Neighborhood Planning - Normative Aspects and Empirical Findings.