
Our Courses

Our courses are interdisciplinary by nature and provides students with knowledge from diverse fields, including economics, environment, sociology, psychology, and transportation.




Spring (Semester A)

3 Credits

Theories of Planning

Prof. Nir Mualam

The Role of Theory in Planning Process. Planning in Modern Society in General and Israel in Particular. Justifications for Planning. Theories of Rational Planning: Comprehensive, Incremental, Strategic and Mixed Scanning. Methods for Setting Planning Objectives, Development and Evaluation of Alternative Plans and Implementation. Other Theories of Planning in Society: Advocacy, Radical and Critical. Students Will Analyze and Evaluate Actual Planning Processes in Israel and Abroad.




Winter (Semester B)

3 Credits

Land Use Planning - Principles and Quantification

Dr. Emil Israel

Land Use Allocation in Urban and Regional Planning. Relationship Between Various Urban Systems. the Connection Between Land Uses and the Main Role Players in the Regional and Urban Dimension: Households, Firms and Institutions. the Influence of the Populations Socio-Economic Structure and Employment Base on Land Uses Requirements and Location. Means and Methods Used in Urban and Regional Planning for the Allocation of Land Uses and the Choice of Preferred Location.




Spring (Semester B)

3 Credits

Urban Economics

Prof. Dani Broitman

Human activity in general, and economic activity in particular, is not uniformly spread over space. What is the reason for the existence of concentrated centers of population and economic activity (cities)? In what way does the population of the cities develop? How is the economic activity interpreted in the space?
Prerequisites: Course 207804 - Economic Thinking for Planners




Winter(Semester D)

3 Credits

Legal and Administrative Aspects

Prof. Nir Mualam

The Planning and Building Law and its regulations create the central framework according to which various planning committees operate. The law is a central element in the planning profession and therefore the course aims to familiarize planning students with its key components. The law determines the composition of institutions, their powers, processes and procedures that guide them, and helps in the design of the built / open environment. The course explores these issues by focusing on various legal provisions through guided reading of the law and court decisions.

Studios - Compulsory



Mon/Thur 15:30-18:30 PM

Spring (Semester B)

4 Credits

Ulpan 1 - Urban Planning

Prof. Plaut Pnina

Application of the Principal Elements of the Planning Process to Land Use Planning: Setting Objectives, the Formulation of Alternative Plans, Their Evaluation, and Application. Introduction to Urban Systems and Planning Institutions: Introduction to Concepts in Land Use Planning. Preparation of a Comprehensive Urban Plan for a Small Or Medium-Size Town Or City.



Mon, Thur 1:00-3:00 PM

Winter (Semester C)

4 Credits

Ulpan 2: Neighborhood Planning

Dr. Dalit Shach-Pinsly

The Studio Deals with the Neighborhood Level of Urban Planning. Its Aim Is to Acguaint the Student with Problems Typical of Neighborhood Planning, the Main Sub-Systems at This Level, and the Appropriate Methods and Approaches for Planning. Students Will Be Asked to Do a Planning Project Addressed to Creating a Neighborhood Fit for Its Residents in Terms of Public Services, Residential Needs, Infrastructure, Etc. Special Stress Will Be Placed on the Understanding of the Relationship Between Physical Form and Basic Social Processes.

Prerequisites: Course 207701 - Studio 1 - Urban Planning



Mon/Thur 15:30-18:30 PM

Winter (Semester D)

4 Credits

Studio 4: Metropolitan Planning

Prof. Karel Martens, Dr. Emil Israel, Idan Porat, Lior Vitkon

Concluding Studio Devoted to Comprehensive Planning of Metropolitan Regions. Emphasis Is Placed on Integrated Planning of Social, Economic, Physical, Natural, and Institutional Systems in the Light of Decentralized Systems for Decision-Making and Implementation.