Winter courses

Our Courses

Our courses are interdisciplinary by nature and provides students with knowledge from diverse fields, including economics, environment, sociology, psychology, and transportation.



Mon, 1:00-3:00 PM

Winter (Semester A)

2 Credits

General and Urban Sociology

Prof. Meirav Aharon

he Goal Is to Acquaint the Student with Basic Concepts of Sociology and Urban Sociology. the Major Subjects Are: the Meaning and Purpose of Sociology, Culture and Society, Values and Social Norms, Stratification and Social Disparities, the Urban Way of Life, Neighborhood Planning - Normative Aspects and Empirical Findings.





Thur 11:30-14:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Theories of Planning

Prof. Nir Mualam

The Role of Theory in Planning Process. Planning in Modern Society in General and Israel in Particular. Justifications for Planning. Theories of Rational Planning: Comprehensive, Incremental, Strategic and Mixed Scanning. Methods for Setting Planning Objectives, Development and Evaluation of Alternative Plans and Implementation. Other Theories of Planning in Society: Advocacy, Radical and Critical. Students Will Analyze and Evaluate Actual Planning Processes in Israel and Abroad.



Mon, 1:00-3:00 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Land Use Planning - Principles and Quantification

Dr. Emil Israel

Land Use Allocation in Urban and Regional Planning. Relationship Between Various Urban Systems. the Connection Between Land Uses and the Main Role Players in the Regional and Urban Dimension: Households, Firms and Institutions. the Influence of the Populations Socio-Economic Structure and Employment Base on Land Uses Requirements and Location. Means and Methods Used in Urban and Regional Planning for the Allocation of Land Uses and the Choice of Preferred Location.



Thur 11:30-14:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Urban Economics

Prof. Dani Broitman

Topics: Basic Axioms of Urban Economics, Economic Conception of Cities, Accessibility and Transport Economic, Explanations of Why Cities Exist, Urban Spatial Structure, Dynamics and Sprawl, Theories of Urban Growth, Urban Housing and Poverty, Urban Complexity.
Prerequisites: Course 207804 - Economic Thinking for Planners




Mon/Thur 15:30-18:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

4 Credits

Studio - Urban Planning

Prof. Pnina Plaut

Application of the Principal Elements of the Planning Process to Land Use Planning: Setting Objectives, the Formulation of Alternative Plans, Their Evaluation, and Application. Introduction to Urban Systems and Planning Institutions: Introduction to Concepts in Land Use Planning. Preparation of a Comprehensive Urban Plan for a Small Or Medium-Size Town Or City.




Mon 08:30-11:30 AM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Planning

Assoc. Prof. Daniel Orenstein

Climate, carbon, and energy. Climate change, ancient and modern. The state of knowledge, from the 1800s until today. The impacts of climate change. Alternative theories, from science to the public discourse. Policy approaches to climate change. International and regional politics and policies on climate change. Israel and climate, impact and policies. Resilience, Vulnerability, and sustainability in the urban context. Planning and indirect drivers. Sectoral planning. 



Mon, 10:30-13:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

People-Centered Transport Planning

Prof. Karel Martens

Transport, land use, and accessibility. People-centered transport planning - the core idea. Traditional transport planning. A critique of traditional transport planning. The sustainable alternative - and its flaws. People-centered transport planning: justifying the underlying principle. Transport and housing affordability. Basic steps of people-centered transport planning. Land use planning in support of people-centered transport system. principles of public transport planning.



Mon, 11:30-14:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Strategic Planning

Ofer Lerner

Introduction: process and an outcome. Achieving a competitive advantage and winning the "fight". From sustainable development to the integrity of ecological systems. The individual and the "community". Creating a place and/or space and/or living environment. Strategic plans and spatial-physical plans. Housing and good living environment. Micro and macro economy. Developing transportation means and increasing accessibility. Community work and organization.



Mon, 15:30-18:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Planning with the Community: Concepts, Tools and Strategies

Prof. Efrat Eizenberg

The course deals with imparting knowledge on the subjects of professional work out of social commitment, academic community partnership, work with field organizations and social activists, and action research.



Mon, 15:30-19:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

The Israeli Space: Critical Reading

Dr. Tamar Berger

Introduction: process and an outcome. Achieving a competitive advantage and winning the "fight". From sustainable development to the integrity of ecological systems. The individual and the "community". Creating a place and/or space and/or living environment. Strategic plans and spatial-physical plans. Housing and good living environment. Micro and macro economy. Developing transportation means and increasing accessibility. Community work and organization.



Thu, 8:30-11:30 AM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

The History of Housing

Prof. Yael Allweil

he Goal Is to Acquaint the Student with Basic Concepts of Sociology and Urban Sociology. the Major Subjects Are: the Meaning and Purpose of Sociology, Culture and Society, Values and Social Norms, Stratification and Social Disparities, the Urban Way of Life, Neighborhood Planning - Normative Aspects and Empirical Findings.




Thu, 11:30-14:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Coastal and Marine Planning and Management

Prof. Michelle Portman

Ocean, coastal, inter-tidal characteristic and conflicts. Coastal (and ocean) geomorphology - coastal processes. Uncertainty and hazards. Planning for offshore wind energy. Climate change and oceans. Marine spatial planning. Field trip Hof Carmel and Bat Galim Promenades. Integrated coastal zone management, ecosystem-based management, marine spatial planning. Marine mapping and visualization. Marine protected areas.



Thu, 11:30-14:30 AM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Introduction to Social Planning

Dr. Meirav Aharon

he Goal Is to Acquaint the Student with Basic Concepts of Sociology and Urban Sociology. the Major Subjects Are: the Meaning and Purpose of Sociology, Culture and Society, Values and Social Norms, Stratification and Social Disparities, the Urban Way of Life, Neighborhood Planning - Normative Aspects and Empirical Findings.




Thu, 11:30-14:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

The Fight Over the Space

Dr. Ronnen Ben-Arieh

City and urbanism. Living together in the modern city. Street life. Squares. Monument. Mall. Infrastructure. Public parks. Neighborhoods. Suburbs. Ghetto. Camps.



Thu, 16:30-19:30 PM

Winter (Semester A)

3 Credits

Urban Ecology

Prof. Assaf Shwartz

The purpose of the course is to provide the participants with knowledge and tools from the field of urban ecology, as well as critical thinking and analysis skills that will be used by students both in research and in their work as landscape architects or planners in urban projects dealing with environmental or ecological planning.