Planning with the community

207440 - Planning with the Community

Prof. Efrat Eizenberg

Planning with the Community

Prof. Efrat Eizenberg

By means of professional field work carried out in cooperation with the residents of Jasr al-Zarqa, the students will develop, which will work in interdisciplinary teams, several targeted projects, which were located and identified ahead of time, with the participation of residents and stakeholders in Jasr al-Zarqa. The purpose of the projects is to apply the issues being studied and to connect Jasr al-Zarqa - which is among the poorest villages in Israel - with technologies that will help the village and its residents to develop and realize the economic/social/touristic potential of the place.

Grade determination: Active participation in classes, presenting the final outcome, submitting personal log.

Scope of Study: 3 hours of lecture once in two weeks.


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Contact Professor
Location: Segoe Building 611