urban and regional geography

207342 - Urban and Regional Geography

Dr. Emil Israel

Urban and Regional Geography

Dr. Emil Israel

The course exposes to students, different perceptions of urban and regional geography, their changes over the years, and their impacts on variegated processes that undergo within urban and regional systems. The classes in course define and discuss basic concepts that regard urban and regional geography and demonstrate them through conspicuous examples regarding Israel and the world.

The topics of the course include urbanization and urban development in the develop and the developing world, the industrial city, the city under the post-industrial era, the impact of information technology on contemporary urban systems, globalization processes and their influence on the urban space, the regional city and the reciprocal relations between the city and the region, the metropolis and the megalopolis. The discussions in the class emphasize the significance of urban and regional planning issues, that regard the major topics in which the course deals with.

Grade determination: Active participation in lectures, attendance, Article presentation, and final project.

Scope of Study: 3 hours of lecture per week.


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Location: Segoe 618